Are you admitted to BSU, and have you completed courses elsewhere since being admitted?
If you completed college coursework elsewhere during your time at BSU, or if you had in-progress grades from another school (marked as “TZ” on your BSU degree audit report) when you were first admitted, please request an update to your transfer evaluation. Things to note:
- Wait to request an evaluation until you know your non-BSU grades have been posted to your transcript.
- Transfer GPA is not calculated in your BSU GPA, and transfer grade updates will also not impact your BSU GPA.
- Poor academic performance at another school may impact your satisfactory academic progress (SAP – or course completion rate) or ability to receive financial aid at BSU. Similarly, unpaid balances and other financial obligations at other schools will impact your enrollment eligibility at BSU.
- Updated records from other schools may not be withheld from BSU for non-passing work, and final transcripts from all schools must be received at BSU before your program can be completed and you may graduate.
Updated transcripts from Minnesota State colleges/universities
If you attended a Minnesota State college or university, please email Angie Coan at and request a new transcript be downloaded for evaluation.
Updated transcripts from all other colleges/universities
For updates from all other schools, contact those schools and request that they send an official transcript directly to:
Bemidji State Admissions
1500 Birchmont Dr NE #13
Bemidji, MN 56601or by email to:
Requesting non-MinnState transcripts is the responsibility of the student, although as a courtesy we do try to notify students when we are aware of TZ grades on BSU degree audit reports.